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Healing from a painful breakup looks bleak and impossible. No amount of therapy can help unless you are consciously not over it. In this Conscious Uncoupling Mindvalley review, I will share my personal experience of dealing with a breakup during a month of this course.
Wait a second!
If you think Mindvalley’s Conscious Uncoupling is one of those courses on how to move on after a terrible breakup, then you’re wrong.
Katherine Woodward Thomas’s Conscious Uncoupling is a 35-day program for adults who desire to heal from a devastating separation. But first, let’s know what is Mindvalley in a nutshell.
What Is Mindvalley In A Nutshell?
Mindvalley is one of the world’s fastest-growing learning platforms. Self-development courses in a wide range of areas, from mind-body-soul to career to fitness to health to relationships are all available at
Mindvalley promises to use scientifically proven strategies that keep you focused, moving ahead, and achieving lasting improvements.
More than 12 million students throughout the world are now enrolled on the site, making it the most popular online e-learning platform.

There are a number of Quests in the Mindvalley curriculum, and each one represents a lesson in one of the most successful courses.
It is the goal of Mindvalley courses’ missions to inspire and improve individuals via powerful lectures and sermons. With Mindvalley, you’ll enjoy a slew of advantages.
In addition, Mindvalley provides unique programs, live workshops throughout the world, and motivational talk sessions with celebrities. Mindvalley is more than simply a place to discover new things.
One such inspiring course in Mindvalley is ‘Conscious Uncoupling.’ This is a course that can definitely change your perspective about relationships and give you the healing you deserve after a breakup.
Keep reading the Conscious Uncoupling review before making a decision to buy it or not.
What Is Mindvalley Conscious Uncoupling?
In simple words, Conscious Uncoupling is a quest by Mindvalley that helped me grow stronger after my breakup. Cliche right?
This course is more than that. It gives a deep meaning rather than just counseling about how to move on. Most of the time, we forget to be happy after separating from our loved ones. This devastation needs to stop!
Conscious Uncoupling is a course designed by Katherine Woodward Thomas makes. It is a course for 35 days that teaches you how to heal from the damage of losing a partner. There is no way you can halt the grief or run away from it. Mindfulness comes from dealing with the breakup.

When it comes to breaking up with someone, there is no shortage of advice. However, the Conscious Uncoupling quest will help you get through your split in a quick and easy fashion by following 5 simple steps.
This quest is designed to help you heal and move on from a difficult time in your life. You’ll handle the termination of your relationship with elegance and respect.
You’ll go through intense degrees of healing as well as heart repair to ensure that this never happens again in future relationships!
Who Can Benefit From Mindvalley Conscious Uncoupling?
What I have learned from the course is anyone can benefit from this course, but to be specific, this course is for you:
Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas exactly tells you what you need to know at the time of the breakup, before the breakup, and after the breakup.
So, Who Is Katherine Woodward Thomas?
Katherine Woodward Thomas is a New York Times Best-Selling author, certified therapist, and international instructor.
Katherine Woodward Thomas and her ex-husband had witnessed their parents’ ugly divorces. Katerine was fortunate enough to understand the pain and this made her create this course for those who are suffering.
Her experience teaches her a lot and the same teaching she is sharing with all of us.
She met a beautiful guy, Mark, and married while she was in her early forties. It wasn’t until Katherine was 43 that they had their first child together. In the end, Katherine and her husband were ready to call it quits after 10 blissful years of wedlock.
For them, marriage seemed to be holding them back from achieving their goals in life, so they decided to examine their situation.
Her previous breakups were so terrible that she lost half her hair and stopped eating for a year after one of them, and it took years for her to heal.
To avoid putting their daughter through the misery of a harsh divorce scenario as they had experienced in their childhoods was a goal for both of them.
So they decided to actively separate and focus on a common goal of loving and raising their kid together as loving co-parents.
Experts deemed her because of her new-age approach to relationships. She has subsequently been praised for her “conscious uncoupling” techniques.
Her lessons have been published in Today Show, Time Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal among other media venues throughout the globe.
Conscious Uncoupling Quest Overview

The conscious Uncoupling quest is divided into five-week everyday lessons. Before starting the quest, you can find some preparatory content.
Since there are only five basic steps, you will not feel burdened to read it in a hurry. You can take your time to ultimately overcome the agony of your breakup.
With the guidance of Conscious Uncoupling, can may finally let go of the stress, anxiety, and sadness that come with a breakup.
Katherine Woodward Thomas will work with you for around 20 minutes a day to help you unleash strong tactics and healing processes.
Healing occurs on a deep and lasting level when each day of Conscious Uncoupling is unlocked using Mindvalley’s own Quest learning platform.
People who have just broken up, are close to splitting up or are currently dealing with the effects of a past relationship should do this quest, according to Mindvalley.
Many of us would want to avoid the emotional turmoil that comes with a broken heart. For those looking to “move on,” this training is a godsend.
That’s not all, however. Conscious Uncoupling is for those who wish to end a relationship in a more compassionate, considerate, and thoughtful way.
Also, it’s a terrific tool for parents who want their children to be psychologically and emotionally well following a divorce.
The lessons of ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ will instruct you in three distinct methods about how to love and value yourself, as well as how to develop your inner fortitude. Check out this three-part of ‘Conscious Uncoupling’:
Part 1: From Grief To Relief
Changing your perspective on the relationship is the focus of the first part of this course. In this section, Katherine helps you sort through your feelings and develop a more positive outlook on life.
Breaking up with a partner may be a great chance to open your heart and bring good changes into your life.
Part 2: Break The Pattern & Reframe Your Love Life
First, we laid the groundwork, and now we’re ready to put in the hours and hours that will transform your life.
For the second part of the course, you’ll learn how to break away from the patterns you’ve been repeating in your life so that you may attract better relationships in the future.
Part 3: Create Your Happily Even-After Life
Self-love is a critical component of the healing process! A good relationship requires a new set of behaviors, limits, and standards that can only be learned through practice and this is what the third part teaches us.
Katherine works with students to help them develop stronger relationship agreements so that they can avoid the mistakes of the past and win in their future relationships.
In one of the quests, she takes us through the history of relationships and how society has framed the idea of marriages, divorce, and breakups. She emphasized the fact that “happily ever after is a myth.”
Week 1: Find Emotional Freedom

After a breakup, the first after-effect of the situation is that it takes a toll on our mental health as we break emotionally. In the first week of ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ pay attention to bringing back that emotional freedom that you have lost in the process of breakup.
Week 2: Reclaim Your Power and Your Life

This second week really does something to you! You have complete authority and, thus, complete control over the manner in which you choose to recover from this emotional setback and continue on with your life.
Week 3: Break the Pattern, Heal Your Heart

After a failed relationship or marriage, we could have the impression that we were the one who was wronged. When things don’t go as planned, it’s only natural to start questioning where we, as individuals, went wrong.
As a result, the primary emphasis of this week is on establishing a new routine in order to progress. It is impossible to go about one’s day if one’s attention is always directed on unhelpful inquiries rather than toward the process of repairing oneself.
Week 4: Become a Love Alchemist

This week you will focus a lot on forgiveness. By changing your perspective about people around you and yourself, you will create a better and brighter future for everyone.
Week 5: Create Your Happy Even After Life
On Day 35th, you will ask yourself why was I crying so bad?

By adhering to the guidelines outlined in the course “Conscious Uncoupling,” you will discover that you have a completely new perspective on the process of breaking up with a romantic partner. The activities can be done before, during, or after the split itself.
What is Mindvalley Tribe?
Mindvalley Tribe is an exclusive Facebook group for all students. Here, you can connect with other coaches and students, and you can share what you’ve learned with them.
Tribe members are expected to adhere to a tight set of guidelines, unlike other Mindvalley communities, To be honest, it’s my favorite part of the Conscious Uncoupling journey.
In the Tribe, you’ll find a place where you can heal. After a split, it might be difficult to communicate with friends or family about how you feel about your ex.
In this group, no one gives advice or passes judgment. It’s a kind and respectful environment. You’ll be able to seek help from folks who are in a similar situation to you.
My 3 takeaways from Mindvalley’s Conscious Uncoupling
1. Finding emotional freedom is important
Our lives are frequently impacted by the relationships we have with those we interact with on a daily basis.
When you have a good working connection, whether, with your spouse or a coworker, your life’s flow improves. This program teaches students about the necessity of a good emotional level with themselves.
2. Learn the right pattern for healing your heart
We often self-blame and question ourselves after a breakup and this is one of the wrong patterns of dealing with a breakup.
One of Katherine’s dialogues really stuck with me: “Even if it’s 97% the other person’s fault, that you wanna be really interested in your three percent .”
This part focuses on self-reflection and recognizing the patterns in your life, as well as how you may break free of those habits to attract healthier relationships in the future.
3. Normalizing breakup
When a relationship couldn’t work out, we often feel like we have failed as a person. You need to understand that whatever happened to you is not our fault at all.
It’s important to examine the circumstances behind an emotional wound and the narrative you’ve given yourself about it. Normalize getting separated from someone if you are hurting.
Communicating with yourself is a powerful tool to move on. Perhaps you’re telling yourself something like, “You are not alone” and “You will get better”. This is how one can normalize the feeling of separation.
Mindvalley Conscious Uncoupling Price:
You have to buy Mindvalley All-Access Pass to enroll in the conscious uncoupling course.
The best part is that Mindvalley Membership worth $15000 is now available at just $24.92/month.

Mindvalley is your best friend whether it comes to improving your health, entrepreneurship, parenting, mind, soul, performance, job, or relationships.
I think the pricing is reasonable given the pain that one may be going through while looking at this course. The price tag on these Mindvalley courses is fair since dealing with the loss of a loved one is a very personal matter.
Note: Mindvalley offers a 15-day refund policy. It’s possible to request a refund if you don’t like the courses.
Is it a good value to sign up for the Mindvalley annual membership?
Comparison to the individual course purchase is the most effective method for determining whether or not a Mindvalley annual Membership is a good value.
Let’s imagine you decide to buy two courses at an average price of $349 each. You’ve just spent $699.
Now let’s imagine that you used the Mindvalley Membership to enroll in those two courses. You shelled out $499 to get the Mindvalley Membership. You are now $200 better off as a result of this.
By utilizing the Mindvalley Membership, you will have already saved money if you take more than two courses in a given year.
You have saved at least $3,700 since you are attending two classes per month (twelve in total every year).
If you are intending to attend at least two courses per year, I believe that the Mindvalley Membership is a very good price for you.
Conclusion: Is It Worth It?
Personal development classes looked like the ideal reward and Mindvalley provides it at a very reasonable price. In a way, Mindvalley’s unique, streamlined method of learning unlocks and gives an effective road to personal growth.
Mindvalley’s ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ has provided me with a wealth of fresh approaches, concepts, and practical self-help tools.